When DINOSOC met Sir David Attenborough!!!
Today was the grand opening of the new University of Bristol Life Sciences building. A few DINOSOC members were lucky enough to get in and hob-nob with the staff and university diginitaries, but the real highlight of the day was meeting the legend and personal hero of many of our members, (if not everyone) - Sir David Attenborough!!!!!!
The national treasure and behemoth of Natural History broadcasting was there to formally open the building. His speech was compelling, talking about how mankind has changed the nature of the planet and of our responsibility to our fellow inhabitants; he spoke of the future work that will be done in that new building and how it would be the students passing through its' doors that would be the ones who would find the solutions to the current problems facing life on Earth.
After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Sir David was given a guided tour around the building, which hosted displays featuring current research. Just after listening to Jakob Vinther about his research on melanosomes, a few DINOSOC members managed to get an audience with the great man - we even got a selfie! IT WAS AMAZING.