Join the UK's 1st
Student Palaeontology Society.
Meet the DINOSOC Founders
DINOSOC started on a wing and a prayer, from a converstion in a coffee shop between these guys. From their vision of a society designed by palaeo students for anybody interested in palaeontology, DINOSOC was born. These are our founding fathers & mothers.
It is through their hard work that this society, the first of its kind in the UK was established and grew to become a regular part of inter science societal events such as the UoB Joint Science Ball and hold regular events such as fossiling expeditions and guest lectures. To salute their efforts, we present them here: Meet our founders.

Rhys Charles
Founder of the Society.
This guy took that conversation in Boulangerie Cafe to heart and made our vision a reality. He struggled hard to balance work and the society and though he was exhausted by the end, he accomplished his goal. DINOSOC became involved in many inter-science events under his Presidency.

Suresh Singh
Director Singh was heavily involved in most aspects of the society. He designed our logo, and this very website, plus most of our merchandise. He also secured our first discount deal. DINOSOC is scientific yet stylish thanks to his work.

Holly Betts
Secretary Betts was instrumental in founding the society, providing the practical know how and co-ordination that enabled DINOSOC's birth. Her continued dedication also helped us to launch some of our first fossiling expeditions.

Fiann Smithwick
The Veteran Fossil Hunter. Field Director Smithwick was the fossil hunting expert who led the first fossil hunting expeditions. He risked his health many times - (believe me he did), to make sure our members didn't. He was always happy to help, whether driving members to the site or identifying their finds.

Tiff Drake
Whilst not on the original committee, Ms Drake was full of ideas for our socials. She later became Social Secretary and would implement many of her ideas to produce some fantastic nights out.

Kayleigh Varnam
Ms Varnam established some of the key DINOSOC social events (DINOVEMBER), and her work made sure those early socials were memorable.

Sarah Kernoghan
Ms Kernoghan, whilst not a palaeo student, was heavily involved in advising the society through its foundation and the early days of DINOSOC. It was with her help that we found our name & printed out first batch of membership cards.

Gareth Coleman
Gareth or Gary, was a regular advisor in founding the society and went on to become the first treasurer. DINOSOC operates quite prudently due to his efforts.