Join the UK's 1st
Student Palaeontology Society.
What is DINOSOC?

"They will have dinosaur related pun names. You have my word that the puns will be cringe worthy."
(DINOSOC Socials)
DINOSOC is the brand new society and the only student palaeontology society in the UK. We're for people who are interested in palaeontology.
Being based in Bristol, we have access to a vast array of life science resources and we plan to use them to help all realise their palaeontological passions.
We'll be running fossil hunting trips to local fossil sites in and around Bristol. We even get all the way down to the Jurassic Coast every now and then. You'll be led by experienced DINOSOC fossil hunters who'll guide you through the ins and outs of fossil hunting. Also, whatever you find you keep!
We also do trips to the Natural History Museum in London.
We've got a renowned palaeobiology department here at the University of Bristol, so every once in while, we hope to pry a couple of members away from their research to tell you guys all about it.
We also plan to get a few other guest speakers from institutions like the BBC Natural History Unit and Bristol Zoo. Prof. Mike Benton (see video), is just one of many speakers for DINOSOC.
No student society is complete without socials so we will have various DINOSOC socials throughout the year. They range from a trip down the pub to an night on the Triangle. Being palaeontologists they will have dinosaur related pun names. You have my word that the puns will be cringe worthy.
Be warned, sometimes things may get out of hand...
We have strong ties to the University of Bristol Palaeobiology Research Group and Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. As such, we try to present our members with the latest opportunities to get involved in modern palaeontology. You could end up helping to dig out a dinosaur or identify Precambrian microfossils!
Guest Lectures
Passionate about Palaeontology?

"DINOSOC is for Everyone."
We here at DINOSOC are dino-mad, palaeontology enthusiasts and we are here to for everyone who is interested in palaeontology, from those just discovering prehistory to the fledgling palaeontologist. DINOSOC is for everyone and anyone.
If you're interested sign up for our newsletter and get details of our upcoming events or become a member and get the privileges that membership brings!
If you are equally as palaeo-mad as us and wish to help us in encouraging palaeontology and science amongst our members, why not donate £3 to our society. Your money will help fund our activities and give our members more value for money whilst instilling a passion for palaeontology and science. Every donation is very much appreciated.
Enjoy the Cartoon.
(Gertie the Dinosaur, 1914 - The earliest dinosaur cartoon.)
We Thank You for Your Contribution.