AGM 2017
A new year a new committee! The new lot are very excited to get started, with planning already afoot for next year. An end of summer...
Jurassic World
A brand new Jurassic park movie means that we, as the student palaeontology society, must do something for this event. And do something...

Goodbye My Wonderful Society
Hey guys, Seeing as it’s taken up such a huge amount of my university life I can’t help but feel that I can’t just let my time with...

Residential Expedition 2015 - Jurassic Coast
DINOSOC finally got to the Jurassic Coast! We had a long weekend enjoying the country air of Dorset, camping out under the stars in the...

AGM 2015 - Changing of the Guard
Our members have spoken and the votes cast. I present the Committee for 2015/16: President - Ellen MacDonald General Secretary - Claire...

DINOSOC Presents The BEST of Bristol
The Best of Bristol lectures provide an opportunity to inform the wider public of the ground-breaking research being conducted at the...

The Hoodies are Here!
We have smashed our order from last year - we've doubled the number of items ordered and increased profits! Plus, we were able to put two...

DINOSOC at Joint Sciences Ball 2015
Another fantastic evening at the Joint Sciences Ball, they outdid themselves this year, bringing an Arabian Nights theme to the Passenger...

Clothing Design Competition - the Designs are in
For our t-shirts & hoodies this year, we decided to open the design process to all our members and you did not disappoint - they are...

Merry ReXmas!
It had to be done, and why not? Merry Rexmas everyone!